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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged weight loss

Why the humble sandwich doesn’t cut it!

Why the humble sandwich doesn't cut it!

  Let’s face it, many of you probably grab a sandwhich for lunch each day, and if your like most,  you probably didn’t make it yourself, but rather picked it up from your local cafe or sandwhich bar.  So what’s wrong with this ‘typical’ lunch?  Well, there are many factors that make the humble sandwich a poor choice.  I know a lot of you may throw your arms at me  for saying this, but before you switch off, take a moment to hear me out. First of all, I want to state that for those of you who buy good

Out Of My (food) Comfort Zone…

Out Of My (food) Comfort Zone...

I’m in the US right now and so far I’ve travelled 7 cities in 14 days, so if  jet lag, followed by jumping planes, trains and automobiles every couple of days hasn’t been enough to upset the apple cart, contending with trying to find real, whole food on the run in some places, has been.  When I travel, I try to eat just like I do back home  – the same as I recommend in my book, Eat Yourself Healthy.  My digestive system has grown accustomed to it’s usual Green Goddess juice  or super food power smoothie first thing of a

Who are you really getting your health advice from?

Who are you really getting your health advice from?

In today’s day and age of technology and the internet, we have seen a BOOM in accessible information online, from all over the world and from all walks of life. Like most things in life, this phenomena has it’s ‘pro’s’ and it’s ‘con’s’.  For starters, the internet has enabled us to  better self educate, providing us with more knowledge and in return, more power and choices. But when it comes to health, sometimes too much information can be  just as harmful as too little, especially when anyone can post anything, when it comes to health advice on the net. Because there is

How do you balance your nervous system?

How do you balance your nervous system?

This year’s been a pretty hectic one for me at work, I have been toiling away on some pretty big projects, which has meant upping the anti as far as long days, lots of jumping on and off planes and missing many a week end, in order to get my projects off the ground.  But having suffered and recovered from two Auto Immune diseases – Lupus and Hashimoto’s, that were ultimately triggered by stress,  I am very strict about setting boundaries and respecting my body.  I guess this decision for me comes easily now, after losing my health for so many years along with the freedom to

Almond Nut Butter

Almond Nut Butter

Gluten Free, Cow’s Dairy Free, Fructose Free, Diabetic Friendly, Paleo friendly, Low Carb If you have read my book Eat Yourself Healthy In 28 Days you will know I am not an advocate of eating peanuts because of the high levels of mould which can impair the gut repair process, but if you love your peanut butter or are looking for a tasty, sugar free snack for you or the kids, then try out my recipe for homemade almond butter. You can choose other nuts such as brazil, cashew or better still, a blend of all three! It’s quick and

How to eat your skin beautiful

How to eat your skin beautiful

  Have you ever wondered about the secret behind people with that beautiful ‘glow’ is?  Well I’m about to let you in on it and the best part is, ANYONE can achieve it! Our inner beauty flows through to influence our outer beauty in more ways than one. Just as our internal thoughts transpire to become our external reality, the internal state of your body will be expressed through your external appearance. Two of the best reflectors for how well our body is functioning internally are our energy levels and our complexion The two body systems that are the most significant in determining our health

Haloumi and avocado boats

Haloumi and avocado boats

  Vegan – Vegetarian – Sugar Free – Dairy Free – Low GI – Medium GI I made this dish up one day after staring aimlessly into my fridge wondering what on earth I was going  to eat for lunch!  When suddenly inspiration was born from the slab or haloumi and coz lettuce hiding amongst the jars of various condiments. Thankfully one of those condiments was a little jar of homemade coriander and macadamia nut pesto. I had no sooner gently pan fried a couple of pieces of haloumi in  virgin coconut oil and placed them inside a few leaves of coz lettuce with avocado, drizzled with the home made pesto

One Man’s Incredible Story Part II

One Man's Incredible Story Part II

  You may recall Fred’s story from my last post about his journey to recovery from acute, debilitating anxiety, simply through changing his diet and fixing his gut and replenishing nutrient deficiencies. As you may recall Fred had suffered major anxiety as far back as his childhood, along with ADHD and later on, alcoholism and chronic fatigue. The Dr’s answer to Fred’s search for answers….. dose him up on a cocktail of chemical uppers and downers,  as well as more misdiagnoses than underwear changes!  There is no doubt that some of the pharmaceutical medications he was prescribed brought Fred back from the brink of near death and

Homemade Chocolate

Homemade Chocolate

 Gluten free, Dairy free, Diabetic Friendly, Low Suagr, Vegan, Anti Candida If you love chocolate but have been trying to get off sugar then you will love my recipe for the homemde stuff! But first, I want to get your expectations right….chocolate in it’s healthy state is NOT sweet like normal milk chocolate because the whole idea behind eating raw dark chocolate is to reap the nutritional benefits of the raw cacao, which is rich in minerals such as magnesium and antioxidants and because it’s so low in sugar and dairy free, you will only need a small piece to nip those sugar

Top 10 tips for staying trim, dining out

Top 10 tips for staying trim, dining out

  It’s an age old quandary….how can we be healthy and still dine out?  Well the good news is YOU CAN!  It’s all in the CHOICES you make. I know for many folk, eating out for corporate lunches and dinners can all be part of ‘the job’, but eating out doesn’t have to lead to the expansion of the waist line.  Even the most hardened fine diner will struggle to argue it’s difficult to stay trim and eat out,  if they stick to these simple rules. So follow my tips and you won’t go wrong! Choose your restaurant wisely –  Avoid the obvious like the fast food

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