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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for August 2014

Why You May Be Struggling To Lose Your Pregnancy Weight

Why You May Be Struggling To Lose Your Pregnancy Weight

  I get asked by so many women “Why am I struggling to lose my post baby weight?’, especially after the second or third baby and the reasons are simple, yet complex. I say ‘simple’ in that they can be easy to identify if you are experienced in understanding the workings of the body’s endocrine and metabolic system and know what to look for, yet  ‘complex’ in that the reasons can be due to a combination of factors and can take time to resolve. Losing your post baby weight is not always a case of eating less and exercising more,

Is the Paleo diet dangerous?

Is the Paleo diet dangerous?

I receive many emails from readers asking me what I think about the Paleo diet, and the short answer is ‘I concur’ on the majority of their principles anyway  – especially considering they are largely aligned with those in my eating program Eat Yourself Healthy . In fact I wrote this program over 11 yrs ago – long before I had even heard the word ‘Paleo’.  The main point of difference my program offers, is about how to heal your gut, so you can actually reap the nutritional benefits of your food. I also do not believe the Paleo diet should be

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