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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for May 2012

Be free from the bean – Quitting coffee part II

Be free from the bean - Quitting coffee part II

  How to beat the bean Last week, we explored the effect excess coffee consumption is having on our health. Hopefully, you’ve gained new insight, and maybe even view your daily cappuccino differently. If you are ready to beat the bean, here are my tips for freeing yourself from its grips… Coming off the juice The key to kick-starting any shift in your health begins with an effective detox program. I cover this in detail in my eBook, Eat Yourself Healthy in 28 Days  and if your keen to add extra punch to the effects of my eating program, I suggest

Healthy Coffee Substitutes

Healthy Coffee Substitutes

Ok, so your probably wondering what else you can slurp on in place of your morning coffee, dandelion has a subtle similarity to coffee, with the added bonus of doubling as a liver tonic! I created a yummy recipe incorporating dandelion tea and raw cocoa in last week’s post – YUMBO!  check it out here. Chai tea is another soothing and delicious option if your craving a warm creamy beverage. I make mine on frothed up almond milk sprinkled with fresh cinnamon, but if you’re in a hurry or not in the mood for being fancy, you can always just pour the almond or rice milk

Ayurvedic Calming Tea

Ayurvedic Calming Tea

  Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India, dating back over 5000 years. The concept of using ‘food as medicine’ forms the basis of this ancient practice. Meaning if you’re going to put food in your body, you may as well make choices that have a medicinal and healing effect on the body, versus those that are toxic and disease producing. Making tea is one of my all time favourite rituals and this blend of traditional Ayurvedic spices is a perfect example of using food as medicine, because it has an incredibly soothing and calming effect on the nervous system. Unlike

Rainbow Chai Tea

Rainbow Chai Tea

  A delicious coffee alternative, Rainbow Chai make a traditional spiced Chai tea blend that will keep you warm and grounded this winter. Available in lose leaf or tea bags. The difference between Chai and black tea is the addition of specific Ayurvedic ingredients such as cardamon, cinnamon, cloves, star anise and ginger to give it that rich aromatic flavour. Australian grown, brew some up and go into the draw to win a return ticket to India while your at it! See competition details here.

Is coffee your drug of choice?

Is coffee your drug of choice?

  You may recall when we explored the consumption of conventional cow’s milk in an earlier post, and my views on the related issues. Coffee is the Bonnie to the milk, Clyde – a perfect partner in crime. Consider for a moment how much milk the average coffee drinker consumes with their regular cappuccino or flat white…. you could be looking at up to three to four cups per day, depending on your habit! We have become a society that associates coffee with waking up, perking up, socialising and a means to escape the office for our regular coffee break

Win A Return Flight To India

Win A Return Flight To India

If sipping fresh Chai in India sounds like your cup of tea, then all you need to do is follow these three easy steps to go  into the draw to win an economy return flight to India! 1. Subscribe to my blog 2. Like my Sally Joseph Nutrition and Wellbeing face book page 3. Buy two or more packs of either Rainbow Organic Chai or Spiced Dandelion tea online (You can also buy one of each to enter into the draw) If you have been looking for a tasty incentive to give up or cut back on your coffee consumption, then what better way than

Dande Mocha

Dande Mocha

  If you’re trying to give up coffee you’ll need a healthy substitute to help kick the habit!   My dande mocha recipe is a delicious and healthy alternative that will also help to satisfy any sugar cravings.  It combines the goodness of antioxidants with the natural liver cleansing properties of dandelion root. I have substituted the cow’s milk with the creamy goodness of unsweetened almond milk. What you’ll need… Unsweetened coconut or almond milk – for a real treat, why not make your own with my recipe for home made almond milk Dandelion tea – I recommend the Rainbow Chai  brand – ‘Spiced

Spiced Dandelion Tea

Spiced Dandelion Tea

If you’re looking for natural ways to spice up your palette, the Chai Tea company have perfected the art of producing a range of beautiful tea blends, made from traditional recipes. This week I am recommending their delicious coffee alternative – Spiced Dandelion. Your liver will also thank you as, unlike the negative impacts coffee has on your liver, dandelion acts as a natural liver tonic through stimulating natural liver and digestive processes as well as possessing a gentle diuretic action to purify the blood.  It’s even been touted as a natural way to assist in weight reduction, cleanse your skin and eliminate acne, as well as

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