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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for March 2017

Does Cow’s Dairy Leach Calcium From Your Bones?

Does Cow's Dairy Leach Calcium From Your Bones?

The case against cow’s dairy and whether it plays an ‘essential role in our health’, is an age old argument, causing plenty of controversy and a divide amongst health professionals.  To help dispel much of the confusion surrounding cow’s dairy and the role it plays in our diet, I’ve broken down the science for you so you can be clear about the facts on this supposed ‘essential food’ and whether we really need to consume cow’s dairy for strong, healthy bones. We’re taught from a young age that cow’s dairy will help our bones and teeth to grow strong and when we’re in

Could your thyroid be the problem?

Could your thyroid be the problem?

Thyroid health is something I deal with everyday, not just professionally as a Clinical Nutritionist, but because I too have a thyroid condition that I work hard to keep in check. Thyroid conditions are something I have seen increase at an alarming rate over the past 17 years in clinical practice, and it greatly concerns me to see how devastating the effects can be on sufferers day to day function and overall life – including their relationships. But perhaps even more concerning is the number of people who go undiagnosed, or are misdiagnosed by the medical profession. Those that may

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