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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for January 2015

7 Mistakes Paelo lovers make that are harming their health

7 Mistakes Paelo lovers make that are harming their health

  There’s no arguing the Paleo diet has taken the world by storm and I’m far more in support of, than against this movement as it shares many of my nutritional philosophies – eating whole, unprocessed foods that are as close to nature as possible, and nothing our ancestors wouldn’t recognise, as well as being gluten and dairy free and low in sugar.  However I find many Paleo enthusiasts get the wrong end of the stick when it comes to some of the Paleo principles.  Here are seven of the most common mistakes I find people make when following a Paleo

6 Ingredients to avoid adding to your green smoothie

6 Ingredients to avoid adding to your green smoothie

  Let’s face it, the green smoothie trend has exploded into the stratosphere in popularity amongst health enthusiasts, wellness freaks and those on the hunt for eternal youth, but despite it’s popularity, is the green smoothie all its cracked up to be?  As a Nutritionist who has been around the block a few times, I am amazed at how this latest trend in health and wellness has taken off, but have we become a little over zealous in our embrace for all things healthy and completely missed the mark on this one? There’s no doubt green smoothies look and taste

Top tips for getting clean & lean in 2015

Top tips for getting clean & lean in 2015

So the silly season is done and dusted for another year and if you’re like most, you probably gave all your vices a pretty good nudge!  But the good news is, there is a way you can reverse the damage and get back on track to feeling ship shape ASAP!  I’ll give you a hint….it involves a 5 letter word with VERY a powerful effect if done correctly…DETOX. But before you roll your eyes or run for the hills, bare with me, because detox does not have to spell eating piles of rabbit food, water fasts or eating card board!

Why I Don’t Believe In New Years "Resolutions"

Why I Don't Believe In New Years "Resolutions"

It’s that time of year when we look ahead with bright eyes, and a renewed sense of vigor and promise for something better in our future.  A chance to wipe the slate clean and start a fresh in the hope we can shake the things that have plagued us from our past and move forward to that place “where things will be different this year”. But are setting ‘new years resolutions’ necessarily the best way to achieve the changes we want to see in the year ahead?  For me, NYR’s tend to set up some kind of subconscious message for failure….

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