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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for June 2012

Tips to keep the waist line down travelling

Tips to keep the waist line down travelling

Let me ask you something…. what do you eat when travelling or stuck waiting in an airport terminal? Do you grab a bagel, a burger, a boost juice thick shake, a BLT sandwich? Or perhaps you see the airport transit lounge as a place to indulge in the dirty bird (aka KFC) or the golden arches?…..Or maybe it’s the bucket of hot chips that suck you in every time? Have you ever noticed that when travelling you tend to go for indulgences that you ordinarily wouldn’t touch? I know for me travel and airport terminals can trigger a kind of

The Chia Co Chia Shots

The Chia Co Chia Shots

Chia seeds are true super food and these nifty chia seeds shots are a convenient way to keep your digestion regular when you’re travelling. Grown in Australia’s beautiful Kimberley region, The Chia Co are the largest producer of chia seeds in the Australia. Chia seeds are a rich source of soluble and insoluble fibre as well as omega 3 essential fattty acids. Add a shot of chia seeds to a protein shake, yoghurt or porridge, over a salad, just about anything you can think of. Just another way you can use your food as medicine. You can read more about the nutritional benefits of chia seeds

How much sugar are you really eating?

How much sugar are you really eating?

When it comes to interpreting food labels and understanding how much sugar is really in our food, there is probably nothing more confusing. You may recall in a recent post I wrote about sugar, how manufacturers are using disguises for the white stuff that sound more like something out of a science fiction novel than real food. Maltitol, mannitol, polydextrose, sorbitol, inulin, HFCS short for – high fructose corn syrup, are all names used by manufactures to list different forms of sugar, but few of us would recognize these terms without formal training. So my advice for interpreting just how

Diaries of a sugar addict

Diaries of a sugar addict

Many of you responded to my recent post about sugar in shock, regarding just how many foods are laden with the white stuff. So in an effort to expand your knowledge on this hot topic even further, I decided to write a post about the many tricks manufacturers use to fool us into thinking their products are slimming and healthy. You can read about it here. The fact is, the way many of us consume sugar is having a detrimental, even life threatening impact on our physical, mental and emotional health. Perhaps the most alarming factor is how many of

Why am I so tired?…..

Why am I so tired?.....

  What does it say about our society when the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs include, anti-inflammatory’s, sleeping pills and anti-depressants? This begs the question, what went wrong and why have we turned to these medications for support? These drugs represent pain, insomnia, depression and anxiety, all of which are symptoms associated with a silent but very real epidemic, known as Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome. Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome (AIS) is described as the inability to produce adequate adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol. Cortisol is a stress response hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It plays a vital role in allowing our

Sesame & Herb Crusted White Fish

Sesame & Herb Crusted White Fish

  For all you fish lovers out there, here is another tasty dish I whipped up one night for my friend Jules and the hungry hoards!  It even got the thumbs up from her 5 year old son and took next to no time to make, so if you’re stuck for a quick and delicious recipe, give this one a whirl!  And if you typically shy away from cooking fish, this recipe is pretty well foolproof, so Enjoy! Gluten Free, Sugar free, Dairy free,  Paleo, Diabetic Friendly, Detox Friendly, Low allergy What you’ll need… 150  – 200 gram fillet of white fish,(per person) of your

Fegari Seafood, Melbourne

Fegari Seafood, Melbourne

This week I have been on a Melbourne organic and healthy food trail, researching some of the tastiest and healthiest eats n’ treats Melbourne has to offer for an upcoming post I’m writing. But I thought I’d give you a sneak peak at what I believe is a rare gem when it comes to getting the best quality and freshest fish and seafood. You may be aware much of our seafood is becoming increasingly contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals from polluted waters, but Fegari’s Seafood in Hampton Melbourne, owned by longtime fisherman, come seafood Provedore, Ari and his wife Mary, only sources seafood from the

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