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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for August 2012

How sleep deprivation can make you fat

How sleep deprivation can make you fat

  There’s a lot to be said for Benjamin Franklin’s saying – “Early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Getting the required amount of sleep your body needs each night is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy metabolic rate, not to mention slow the ageing process while you’re at it! The amount of sleep your body requires can vary from person to person, but for most people the best part of 8 hours a night tends to be ideal in order to fully reboot. Our body uses the time we’re asleep to

My Healthy ‘New York Food’ Trail – eating healthy in the big apple

My Healthy 'New York Food' Trail – eating healthy in the big apple

  For the past 6 weeks I have been in the United States researching how the Yanki’s like to eat and although the press and TV provide a pretty good insight from a far, it’s not until you spend a decent period of time in their country, that you come to experience the all American diet firsthand. It’s easy to understand why American’s (like the rest of the west) are falling victim to a malnutrition epidemic that is inducing every preventable lifestyle disease and illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease irritable bowel syndrome, ADHD, depression and arthritis. Too many Americans are

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