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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged weight loss

Does Cow’s Dairy Leach Calcium From Your Bones?

Does Cow's Dairy Leach Calcium From Your Bones?

The case against cow’s dairy and whether it plays an ‘essential role in our health’, is an age old argument, causing plenty of controversy and a divide amongst health professionals.  To help dispel much of the confusion surrounding cow’s dairy and the role it plays in our diet, I’ve broken down the science for you so you can be clear about the facts on this supposed ‘essential food’ and whether we really need to consume cow’s dairy for strong, healthy bones. We’re taught from a young age that cow’s dairy will help our bones and teeth to grow strong and when we’re in

Could your thyroid be the problem?

Could your thyroid be the problem?

Thyroid health is something I deal with everyday, not just professionally as a Clinical Nutritionist, but because I too have a thyroid condition that I work hard to keep in check. Thyroid conditions are something I have seen increase at an alarming rate over the past 17 years in clinical practice, and it greatly concerns me to see how devastating the effects can be on sufferers day to day function and overall life – including their relationships. But perhaps even more concerning is the number of people who go undiagnosed, or are misdiagnosed by the medical profession. Those that may

Why The Real Secret To Weight Loss Lies In Your Gut

Why The Real Secret To Weight Loss Lies In Your Gut

 Hands up if you’ve ever been on a diet and failed?  Hands up if you’ve ever been on a diet that has lead to you putting on more weight than before you started?  I bet the answer to at least one of these questions is ‘Yes’ and the simple explanation is because diets honestly don’t work, well at least not in the long term for the majority of people.  You see as humans, we’re designed to be pleasure seekers and food is one of the simplest and most satisfying pleasures we can enjoy, so by depriving yourself of food and

Gut Healing Bone Broth

Gut Healing Bone Broth

  Bone Broth has long been used as a medicinal healing remedy to maintain and restore healthy digestive and immune function. The gelatin found in bone broth helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation, thanks to the amino acids, glycine, proline, and arginine, as well as being rich in chondroitin sulfates, glucosamine, and other compounds extracted from the boiled down cartilage. Bone broth also contains high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation as well promoting healthy hair and nail growth. You can use any bones you prefer – including chicken, beef, pork, or

Red Meat – to eat or not to eat

Red Meat - to eat or not to eat

  The age old debate over whether humans should eat red meat or not, has divided society for centuries. Whether you choose to eat red meat or not is a very personal decision.  For some avoiding red meat is based on ethical and animal welfare reasons, for others it’s because they simply feel better on a meat free diet, whilst others swear they cannot function without it. The truth is, when it comes to the biochemistry of our bodies, we are all different.  To a certain extent our bodies response to red meat is influenced by our blood type in addition to our microbiome – the bacteria

5 Mistakes People Make Going Gluten Free

5 Mistakes People Make Going Gluten Free

  It seems more and more people are going gluten free nowadays, which in my view is GREAT news because of the countless negative effects gluten can have on the digestive system and overall health!  But in an effort to get healthy, I see many people replace gluten with supposedly “healthy” foods, thinking they are on the right track just because a product has a gluten free label!   Food manufacturers are also trying to cash in on the gluten free trend, producing gluten free foods that are often anything but healthy!  So here are the 5 most common mistakes I see

6 Mistakes People Make With Their Green Juice

6 Mistakes People Make With Their Green Juice

Just like green smoothies green juices have become all the rage when it comes to living a healthy life, but like many crazes, people can get a bit ‘crazy’ and derail with some of the core principles when it comes to embracing certain healthy habits.  I recently wrote about this in relation to the Paleo trend.  But is it any wonder that so many people find themselves bewildered and confused, thanks to the mass of information available on the internet nowadays  – and the majority of it coming from unqualified sources.  But in this post, I want to focus on six of

5 Healthy Habits To Stay Clean & Lean In 2015

5 Healthy Habits To Stay Clean & Lean In 2015

I often get asked “what are the top things I can do to be healthy each day? And my response is always the same – “there is no silver bullet” when it comes to achieving your ideal weight and optimal energy, but rather, it’s the sum of all parts”… meaning it’s all the little things you do each and every day that add up over time to determine your health. But if you could choose 5 things to do everyday that would make a serious dent in boosting your health…. these would be my pick: Start your day with warm

7 Mistakes Paelo lovers make that are harming their health

7 Mistakes Paelo lovers make that are harming their health

  There’s no arguing the Paleo diet has taken the world by storm and I’m far more in support of, than against this movement as it shares many of my nutritional philosophies – eating whole, unprocessed foods that are as close to nature as possible, and nothing our ancestors wouldn’t recognise, as well as being gluten and dairy free and low in sugar.  However I find many Paleo enthusiasts get the wrong end of the stick when it comes to some of the Paleo principles.  Here are seven of the most common mistakes I find people make when following a Paleo

6 Ingredients to avoid adding to your green smoothie

6 Ingredients to avoid adding to your green smoothie

  Let’s face it, the green smoothie trend has exploded into the stratosphere in popularity amongst health enthusiasts, wellness freaks and those on the hunt for eternal youth, but despite it’s popularity, is the green smoothie all its cracked up to be?  As a Nutritionist who has been around the block a few times, I am amazed at how this latest trend in health and wellness has taken off, but have we become a little over zealous in our embrace for all things healthy and completely missed the mark on this one? There’s no doubt green smoothies look and taste

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