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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged underactive thyroid

Diaries of a sugar addict

Diaries of a sugar addict

Many of you responded to my recent post about sugar in shock, regarding just how many foods are laden with the white stuff. So in an effort to expand your knowledge on this hot topic even further, I decided to write a post about the many tricks manufacturers use to fool us into thinking their products are slimming and healthy. You can read about it here. The fact is, the way many of us consume sugar is having a detrimental, even life threatening impact on our physical, mental and emotional health. Perhaps the most alarming factor is how many of

Why am I so tired?…..

Why am I so tired?.....

  What does it say about our society when the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs include, anti-inflammatory’s, sleeping pills and anti-depressants? This begs the question, what went wrong and why have we turned to these medications for support? These drugs represent pain, insomnia, depression and anxiety, all of which are symptoms associated with a silent but very real epidemic, known as Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome. Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome (AIS) is described as the inability to produce adequate adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol. Cortisol is a stress response hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It plays a vital role in allowing our

Is coffee your drug of choice?

Is coffee your drug of choice?

  You may recall when we explored the consumption of conventional cow’s milk in an earlier post, and my views on the related issues. Coffee is the Bonnie to the milk, Clyde – a perfect partner in crime. Consider for a moment how much milk the average coffee drinker consumes with their regular cappuccino or flat white…. you could be looking at up to three to four cups per day, depending on your habit! We have become a society that associates coffee with waking up, perking up, socialising and a means to escape the office for our regular coffee break

Is Your Daily Juice Really Healthy?

Is Your Daily Juice Really Healthy?

  We hear so much debate about juice in the media and whether or not we should avoid or consume it as part of a healthy diet, so I hope to clear up the confusion surrounding the health benefits of juice once and for all. Bottled Juice In my view, commercially bottled juice really is little more than sugary water and you may as well pick up a confectionary bar or can of soft drink when it comes to the carbohydrate content of many brands, especially if it is made from fruit juice concentrate or contains added cane sugar.  Let

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