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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged How to detox

Why The Real Secret To Weight Loss Lies In Your Gut

Why The Real Secret To Weight Loss Lies In Your Gut

 Hands up if you’ve ever been on a diet and failed?  Hands up if you’ve ever been on a diet that has lead to you putting on more weight than before you started?  I bet the answer to at least one of these questions is ‘Yes’ and the simple explanation is because diets honestly don’t work, well at least not in the long term for the majority of people.  You see as humans, we’re designed to be pleasure seekers and food is one of the simplest and most satisfying pleasures we can enjoy, so by depriving yourself of food and

6 Mistakes People Make With Their Green Juice

6 Mistakes People Make With Their Green Juice

Just like green smoothies green juices have become all the rage when it comes to living a healthy life, but like many crazes, people can get a bit ‘crazy’ and derail with some of the core principles when it comes to embracing certain healthy habits.  I recently wrote about this in relation to the Paleo trend.  But is it any wonder that so many people find themselves bewildered and confused, thanks to the mass of information available on the internet nowadays  – and the majority of it coming from unqualified sources.  But in this post, I want to focus on six of

5 Healthy Habits To Stay Clean & Lean In 2015

5 Healthy Habits To Stay Clean & Lean In 2015

I often get asked “what are the top things I can do to be healthy each day? And my response is always the same – “there is no silver bullet” when it comes to achieving your ideal weight and optimal energy, but rather, it’s the sum of all parts”… meaning it’s all the little things you do each and every day that add up over time to determine your health. But if you could choose 5 things to do everyday that would make a serious dent in boosting your health…. these would be my pick: Start your day with warm

6 Ingredients to avoid adding to your green smoothie

6 Ingredients to avoid adding to your green smoothie

  Let’s face it, the green smoothie trend has exploded into the stratosphere in popularity amongst health enthusiasts, wellness freaks and those on the hunt for eternal youth, but despite it’s popularity, is the green smoothie all its cracked up to be?  As a Nutritionist who has been around the block a few times, I am amazed at how this latest trend in health and wellness has taken off, but have we become a little over zealous in our embrace for all things healthy and completely missed the mark on this one? There’s no doubt green smoothies look and taste

Top tips for getting clean & lean in 2015

Top tips for getting clean & lean in 2015

So the silly season is done and dusted for another year and if you’re like most, you probably gave all your vices a pretty good nudge!  But the good news is, there is a way you can reverse the damage and get back on track to feeling ship shape ASAP!  I’ll give you a hint….it involves a 5 letter word with VERY a powerful effect if done correctly…DETOX. But before you roll your eyes or run for the hills, bare with me, because detox does not have to spell eating piles of rabbit food, water fasts or eating card board!

Natural Ways To Treat Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

Natural Ways To Treat Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

It’s estimated 12-18% of Australian women suffer Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) making it the most common endocrine disorder experienced in reproductive aged women.  The question is why are so many women falling victim to this often debilitating and increasing epidemic? PCOS is caused by a combination of hormonal and metabolic imbalances, resulting in irregularities in ovarian function. Factors such as excess sugar and starchy carbohydrate intake, obesity, genetic predisposition, inactivity, smoking, medications such as steroids and excess oestrogen production, or exposure to xeno oestrogens, are all factors that can induce insulin resistance and PCOS.  Prolonged periods of chronic stress can also contribute to

Why You May Be Struggling To Lose Your Pregnancy Weight

Why You May Be Struggling To Lose Your Pregnancy Weight

  I get asked by so many women “Why am I struggling to lose my post baby weight?’, especially after the second or third baby and the reasons are simple, yet complex. I say ‘simple’ in that they can be easy to identify if you are experienced in understanding the workings of the body’s endocrine and metabolic system and know what to look for, yet  ‘complex’ in that the reasons can be due to a combination of factors and can take time to resolve. Losing your post baby weight is not always a case of eating less and exercising more,

5 ways to ward off winter weight gain

5 ways to ward off winter weight gain

If you’re like me, winter sends a chill right to your core, making it my least favourite season which most definitely has something to do with having an underactive thyroid, and even though mine is largely under control now, it hasn’t changed the fact that I am the worlds greatest cold frog! But although winter’s not on our doorstep quite yet, the recent cold snap across most of Australia, has certainly provided a taste for what’s to come!   Winters also a time when many of our healthy eating habits adopted over summer,like eating lighter foods such as salads, smoothies

How to do a post Easter detox

How to do a post Easter detox

So I guess I don’t need to ask if you over indulged in a few too many chocolate Easter eggs, hot cross buns with lashings of honey and maybe even a few too many sherbets this Easter break……?  After all isn’t that what holidays are for!? But with the Anzac day holiday on Friday, many of us are taking an extended and well deserved break and that might translate to a little extra ‘over indulgence’.  So now’s a good time to make a plan for tackling that sugar monster that may have taken up residence in your brain, post Easter

How Excess Oestrogen Can Wreak Havoc On Your Health

How Excess Oestrogen Can Wreak Havoc On Your Health

  Imbalances in our sex hormones  – oestrogen and progesterone can wreak havoc on our health, causing everything from PMS  – premenstrual syndrome, hormonal acne, fatigue, weight gain, fibroids and conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome – just to name a few.  Like most things in life, the key to healthy hormones, lies in getting the balance right. The role of oestrogen in our health Our body needs oestrogen, but only in it’s natural form. In females, oestrogen plays an important role in the regulation of menstruation, maintaining pregnancy, as well the clotting potential of the blood, bone strength, blood

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