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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Why I need to detox…

Why I need to detox...


So you may recall I have spent the past couple of months gallivanting across America for work, which was all very exciting , but exhausting at the same time, and the travel, combined with the fact I was in America – land of GMO foods and high fructose corn syrup,  certainly posed it’s challenges when it came to sticking to healthy eating.  For me it wasn’t a case of not actively trying to eat healthy food, but rather the fact I was stuck on aeroplanes and in air ports every few days, along with hotels that offered a gluten fest for breakfast each day – not that I touched it with a ten foot pole, but sugar and gluten have a way of getting into your food in America like no where else, along with GMO foods and you can tell because you kind of get all puffy and funny… well at least I do!

When I stood on the scales for the first time in months, I noticed I was a couple of kegs heavier, mainly from fluid retention which gave me puffy cheeks, (kinda like the girl in the image above, only they don’t look so cute on me), and my energy levels have been waxing and waning.  I also noticed I had developed a taste for sugar  for the first time in years!!    So all these factors combined – weight gain, sugar cravings and fatigue, is a sure sign that I need to pull out all stops for a few weeks and undertake the ‘strip back and alkalise’ stage of my eat yourself healthy program.  This works to quickly flush toxins from the liver, as well as alkalise the body  and generally recalibrate the body’s biochemistry, so that everything just flows and works better.  As far as the food side of things, I have that down pat, but I know my gut and liver are in need of a little extra TLC, thanks to what Im experiencing with my digestion.

Changes in bowel habits, bloating and flatulence and fatigue, these are all signs and symptoms that things are not ‘A1’ down stairs and need attending to.  So thankfully the weather is starting to warm up a little here and its that pre summer phase where you can take your time gently eeeeasssing into the warmer months ahead and prepare for baring more skin!  So now is the perfect time to undertake a spring cleanse in time for when you want to look and feel your best!

So what am I gunna do to get back on track I hear you ask? Follow my own advice of course!  The same advice I have given to all my clients over the years that’s has a knack for always getting results, if you stick to the program!  Now I know it’s not easy when you first set out to make changes to your eating habits, there is that adjustment phase, like coming off sugar and caffeine.   The withdrawals from these can be like coming off a drug – not that I have ever weaned my self off any drugs, but they act on the same neurological pathway as drugs, making them difficult to kick!  But I guarantee you, none of the withdrawals from making healthy changes to your diet, are as painful as those that stem from eating too much sugar, gluten, alcohol and coffee over the years!

So all you really need is that guiding hand to show you HOW to get off these vices, because most of us know these things aren’t good for us, we just often lack the know how in regards to making the shift, oh and the motivation!  So this is where I come in, I’m putting out the challenge to you all, to join me on the eat yourself healthy program  – starting with the strip back and alkalise stage, combined with either the Liver and bowel detox or complete digestive repair and detox pack.  I’m personally going to take the ‘complete digestive repair and detox pack, because this contains the anti microbial herbal complex to kill off any nasty bacteria or parasites that may have befriended my gut along my travels ( I can tell from the changes in the back side department that I probably have!), and I need to top up my good intestinal flora  / bacteria by taking a quality probiotic after killing off the bad guys, in order to restore optimal function to my digestive and immune system – remembering I have suffered two auto immune conditions –  so one of the best ways to control associated inflammation is through maintaining healthy intestinal flora colonies.

So if my predicament is sounding a little like yours right now, as far as the fatigue, bloating, sugar cravings, and weight gain, then now’s the time to do something about it and jump on board the  eat yourself healthy program  with me and we’ll do it together!  And just in case you need a little bit of enticement, anyone who purchases either the Liver and bowel detox or complete digestive repair and detox pack from this Saturday will go into the draw to win a fantastic healthy pantry starter pack, valued at over $150!  I’ll be sharing my experience and professional guidance on myFacebook page, beginning this Friday when I prepare to kick off the strip back and alkalise stage on Saturday through to Monday!   So be sure to like my page to receive any updates, if you haven’t already and that way you can tune in with how I’m going and ask me any advice along  the way!

So if you haven’t already purchased a copy of  my e-book eat yourself healthy in 28 days  then grab one now and then get ready to join me and together we can ‘strip back and alkalise’ and then continue on the journey towards kicking gluten and sugar and all the other essential foods I recommend avoiding to lose weight and feel great.  Don’t forget if you purchase either the Liver and bowel detox or complete digestive repair and detox pack as well, you will automatically go into the draw to win a healthy pantry starter pack valued at over $150 ( Sorry guys this offer if only valid in Australia)

See you on face book and be sure to take any happy snaps of your EYH  journey along the way and email them to enquiries@sallyjoseph.com.au and we’ll post them on my face book page to inspire others to get healthy fro summer!

For more health tips and delicious recipes, checkout my e-book, Eat Yourself Healthy.
It's not just a healthy diet, but a way of life, so you can feel better than you have ever felt before .
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