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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged Healthy Lunches

Whatever you do…READ YOUR LABELS people

Whatever you do...READ YOUR LABELS people

I’m currently in the United States for work which means discovering new foods and familiarising myself with new brands.  All too often it’s so easy to pick up a product based on what’s displayed on the front of the pack – and be lured by terms such as  ‘organic, no added sugar, fat free, low GI, non GMO, Gluten Free, dairy free’…. the list is a mile long! But whilst some of these terms may represent a genuinely healthy product, it’s not until you turn to the back label, that you will discover the FULL story about what’s really contained

Why the humble sandwich doesn’t cut it!

Why the humble sandwich doesn't cut it!

  Let’s face it, many of you probably grab a sandwhich for lunch each day, and if your like most,  you probably didn’t make it yourself, but rather picked it up from your local cafe or sandwhich bar.  So what’s wrong with this ‘typical’ lunch?  Well, there are many factors that make the humble sandwich a poor choice.  I know a lot of you may throw your arms at me  for saying this, but before you switch off, take a moment to hear me out. First of all, I want to state that for those of you who buy good

Out Of My (food) Comfort Zone…

Out Of My (food) Comfort Zone...

I’m in the US right now and so far I’ve travelled 7 cities in 14 days, so if  jet lag, followed by jumping planes, trains and automobiles every couple of days hasn’t been enough to upset the apple cart, contending with trying to find real, whole food on the run in some places, has been.  When I travel, I try to eat just like I do back home  – the same as I recommend in my book, Eat Yourself Healthy.  My digestive system has grown accustomed to it’s usual Green Goddess juice  or super food power smoothie first thing of a

Haloumi and avocado boats

Haloumi and avocado boats

  Vegan – Vegetarian – Sugar Free – Dairy Free – Low GI – Medium GI I made this dish up one day after staring aimlessly into my fridge wondering what on earth I was going  to eat for lunch!  When suddenly inspiration was born from the slab or haloumi and coz lettuce hiding amongst the jars of various condiments. Thankfully one of those condiments was a little jar of homemade coriander and macadamia nut pesto. I had no sooner gently pan fried a couple of pieces of haloumi in  virgin coconut oil and placed them inside a few leaves of coz lettuce with avocado, drizzled with the home made pesto

Should You Add Salt To Your Diet?

Should You Add Salt To Your Diet?

  For years we have been warned by the health authorities that fat is bad for our health and a major cause of common lifestyle diseases and salt has also experienced the same demonization. Labelled as a dangerous food additive and underlying cause of many diseases, the facts are if you eat the right sources of fats ( you can read more about healthy fats here) and consume salt in the right form, they will actually increase your longevity and help to prevent common lifestyle diseases. Salt is in fact essential for good health, so much so that the body cannot function without it.  Contrary to popular

Goat Feta & Toasted Almond Quinoa Salad

Goat Feta & Toasted Almond Quinoa Salad

  Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Cows Dairy Free , Diabetic Friendly, Anti Candida This recipe is so easy and absolutely delicious thanks to combination of fresh ingredients. It can be adapted to be vegetarian or you can add some organic chicken for added animal protein if you fancy. I love using quinoa as a lower carbohydrate alternative to rice and other grains. Quinoa is actually a seed and comes in red, black and white varieties. It’s higher in protein than many grains, which enables your body to burn it up more slowly, leaving you fuller for longer. To make life easy for yourself, make up enough to last 2

Top 10 Tips To Staying Healthy, Eating Out

Top 10 Tips To Staying Healthy, Eating Out

  I know for many folk, entertaining clients out to lunch and corporate functions can be all part of ‘the job’, and grabbing a bite out because time has got away can be a regular occurrence in this busy day & age, but eating out does not necessarily have to be unhealthy, nor cause your waist line to expand. Just follow my top ten tips to healthy eating when dining out and you won’t go wrong! MY TOP TEN TIPS FOR STAYING TRIM, EATING OUT…. Choose your restaurant wisely. Avoid the obvious, like the fast food diner – that’s just a no brainer. Go for restaurants or

Toasted Macadamia and Nectarine Salad

Toasted Macadamia and Nectarine Salad

Vegan – Vegetarian – Diabetic Friendly – Gluten Free – Dairy Free  Here’s a delicious summer salad I made a few weeks ago that will go well with anything you have prepared to serve on your Christmas table this year! It’s light and fresh with a delicate blend of sweetness from the nectarines and the sour from the lemon dressing. The best part is it’s so quick to prepare! Merry Christmas and here’s to a delicious Christmas lunch or dinner! I’d love to know what you have prepared for Christmas lunch and if you send in any of your favourite Christmas

Sweet potatoe and sage tart

Sweet potatoe and sage tart

Gluten Free, cane sugar free, vegetarian, Diabetic Friendly, Anti – Candida, medium GI This delicious recipe comes from my friend Sal, who served it along with a spinach and feta quiche, so I have adapted both these recipes, replacing the cream with sheep’s yogurt and wheat based pastry with gluten free flour. I also swapped the honey for a healthier sweetener – rice syrup because it is fructose free, unlike honey which is 50% fructose. So this recipe has a lower GI and is low allergy for those avoiding gluten and cow’s dairy like me. There is rarely a time you can’t adapt a recipe to be gluten, cow’s dairy and

Organic Chicken & Spring Vegetable Soup

Organic Chicken & Spring Vegetable Soup

  There’s something quite cathartic about making your own chicken soup and despite what you might think, making the stock from scratch really is easy. Sure it may take a little bit of preparation, but your efforts will be rewarded with a deep sense of satisfaction not to mention your tummy will love you for it! I like to make a batch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, listening to my favourite tunes. Just be sure to keep some aside to freeze for those nights you cannot be bothered cooking, but still insist on something nutritious and delicious! It’s true what they say, chicken soup really is good for

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