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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Roast Brussels Sprouts With Pine Nuts

Roast Brussels Sprouts With Pine Nuts

If you’re like me and had a major aversion to the humble Brussels sprout as a child, then this yummy recipe will surely make you a fan as a grown up! Roast Brussels sprouts make a handy snack, hot or cold and taste delicious added to any dish. Learn to love the Brussels sprout with this simple delicious recipe.


What you’ll need…


10 or more Brussels sprouts (or as many as you want)

Macadamia or virgin coconut oil for baking

Handful of pine nuts

Himalayan or Celtic sea salt and cracked black pepper to season


How to make…


Preheat oven to 180C 355F

Place Brussels sprouts in a small to medium baking dish and drizzle with a generous glug of oil, enough to coat well, then season with salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with pine nuts. Bake in oven for around 20 minutes or until cooked through and slightly golden on the outside.


The humble Brussel sprout


These little green nuggets are a nutrient powerhouse, packed with vitamins and minerals, including B6, K1 and C and when it comes to fiber, they really pack a punch – great for helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They are also rich in the antioxidants – but a word or warning, if you suffer IBS test your sensitivity to cruciferous vegetables to see if you experience any discomfort after eating them, as being so dense in fibre they can irritate your gut, all the more reason to under take my gut repair program!

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