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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged superfoods

Gut Healing Bone Broth

Gut Healing Bone Broth

  Bone Broth has long been used as a medicinal healing remedy to maintain and restore healthy digestive and immune function. The gelatin found in bone broth helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation, thanks to the amino acids, glycine, proline, and arginine, as well as being rich in chondroitin sulfates, glucosamine, and other compounds extracted from the boiled down cartilage. Bone broth also contains high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation as well promoting healthy hair and nail growth. You can use any bones you prefer – including chicken, beef, pork, or

How does your muesli measure up..?

How does your muesli measure up..?

This is a photo of my morning muesli on the days I don’t feel like my usual green goddess power smoothie.  But this ain’t your conventional muesli or breakfast cereal, because there are two major differences that can make several kilo’s difference to your hips!  I’m talking about the fact that most conventional breakfast cereals contain up to 30% sugar or up to 40 grams of sugar per 100 grams – that’s a whopping 2 tablespoons of the white stuff!!  To give you a comparison, my home made muesli pictured above, contains just 7 grams of sugar per 100 grams – not that you

Whatever you do…READ YOUR LABELS people

Whatever you do...READ YOUR LABELS people

I’m currently in the United States for work which means discovering new foods and familiarising myself with new brands.  All too often it’s so easy to pick up a product based on what’s displayed on the front of the pack – and be lured by terms such as  ‘organic, no added sugar, fat free, low GI, non GMO, Gluten Free, dairy free’…. the list is a mile long! But whilst some of these terms may represent a genuinely healthy product, it’s not until you turn to the back label, that you will discover the FULL story about what’s really contained

Why the humble sandwich doesn’t cut it!

Why the humble sandwich doesn't cut it!

  Let’s face it, many of you probably grab a sandwhich for lunch each day, and if your like most,  you probably didn’t make it yourself, but rather picked it up from your local cafe or sandwhich bar.  So what’s wrong with this ‘typical’ lunch?  Well, there are many factors that make the humble sandwich a poor choice.  I know a lot of you may throw your arms at me  for saying this, but before you switch off, take a moment to hear me out. First of all, I want to state that for those of you who buy good

Would you like a side of chemicals with your blueberries?

Would you like a side of chemicals with your blueberries?

Blueberries have long been hailed for their powerful nutritional properties, in particular their potent anti-oxidant and phyto-chemical compounds, (thanks to their dark pigment) which protect against cancer causing free radicals.  Blueberries are also one of the lowest fructose containing fruits you can eat, making them perfect as for a low sugar snack, without tipping the insulin levels into overdrive!  For these reasons blueberries are an extremely healthy food source, earning a reputation as a ‘superfood’! However……thanks to modern day farming methods…..there’s a catch.  Blueberries, (along with other berries) are one of the most chemically contaminated crops, thanks to being heavily

Homemade Chocolate

Homemade Chocolate

 Gluten free, Dairy free, Diabetic Friendly, Low Suagr, Vegan, Anti Candida If you love chocolate but have been trying to get off sugar then you will love my recipe for the homemde stuff! But first, I want to get your expectations right….chocolate in it’s healthy state is NOT sweet like normal milk chocolate because the whole idea behind eating raw dark chocolate is to reap the nutritional benefits of the raw cacao, which is rich in minerals such as magnesium and antioxidants and because it’s so low in sugar and dairy free, you will only need a small piece to nip those sugar

Goat Feta & Toasted Almond Quinoa Salad

Goat Feta & Toasted Almond Quinoa Salad

  Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Cows Dairy Free , Diabetic Friendly, Anti Candida This recipe is so easy and absolutely delicious thanks to combination of fresh ingredients. It can be adapted to be vegetarian or you can add some organic chicken for added animal protein if you fancy. I love using quinoa as a lower carbohydrate alternative to rice and other grains. Quinoa is actually a seed and comes in red, black and white varieties. It’s higher in protein than many grains, which enables your body to burn it up more slowly, leaving you fuller for longer. To make life easy for yourself, make up enough to last 2

Green Goddess Power Smoothie

Green Goddess Power Smoothie

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Low sugar, Diabetic Friendly, Candida friendly, Paleo, Vegetarian/Vegan If you have been kick starting your day with my alkalizing Green Goddess juice, I’d like to share my Green Goddess Superfood Power Smoothie recipe with you! You could say it’s the Green Goddess juice on steroids, because of the addition of banana, pea protein powder and superfoods like chia seeds and maca root powder – an ancient Inca superfood which acts as a natural hormonal adaptogen – great if you are adrenally fatigued, or looking to regulate your hormones naturally. I whip this superfood power smoothie up on the mornings

Bellisimo balls

Bellisimo balls

Gluten Free, Cow’s Dairy Free, Fructose Free, Diabetic Friendly, Paleo friendly, Low Carb It seems sugar is on everyone’s lips lately, so I’ve created this recipe as a healthy alternative to high sugar snacks that are actually packed with nutrition, and perfect for the whole family when you need to keep your energy up between meals.  Giving up sugar does not mean NEVER enjoying foods with a little sweetness, but rather it all comes down to the TYPE and AMOUNT of sugar you include in your diet. In fact when you try these babies, you won’t even notice they are so low in

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