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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Posts Tagged Coffee

One Man’s Incredible Story…Why he quit gluten

One Man's Incredible Story...Why he quit gluten

For those of you who have seen me as a patient or have read my e-book Eat Yourself Healthy In 28 Days, you’ll be familiar with my stance on gluten.  Gluten is something we are hearing more and more about and the impact it is having on our health.  If you missed my first post on gluten, you can read it here to bring you up to speed.  But in this post, I wanted to share with you a truly inspirational story about one man’s journey with his health and the life changing impact when he quit gluten. For the purpose of this post I’ll

Why am I so tired?…..

Why am I so tired?.....

  What does it say about our society when the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs include, anti-inflammatory’s, sleeping pills and anti-depressants? This begs the question, what went wrong and why have we turned to these medications for support? These drugs represent pain, insomnia, depression and anxiety, all of which are symptoms associated with a silent but very real epidemic, known as Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome. Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome (AIS) is described as the inability to produce adequate adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol. Cortisol is a stress response hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It plays a vital role in allowing our

Be free from the bean – Quitting coffee part II

Be free from the bean - Quitting coffee part II

  How to beat the bean Last week, we explored the effect excess coffee consumption is having on our health. Hopefully, you’ve gained new insight, and maybe even view your daily cappuccino differently. If you are ready to beat the bean, here are my tips for freeing yourself from its grips… Coming off the juice The key to kick-starting any shift in your health begins with an effective detox program. I cover this in detail in my eBook, Eat Yourself Healthy in 28 Days  and if your keen to add extra punch to the effects of my eating program, I suggest

Is coffee your drug of choice?

Is coffee your drug of choice?

  You may recall when we explored the consumption of conventional cow’s milk in an earlier post, and my views on the related issues. Coffee is the Bonnie to the milk, Clyde – a perfect partner in crime. Consider for a moment how much milk the average coffee drinker consumes with their regular cappuccino or flat white…. you could be looking at up to three to four cups per day, depending on your habit! We have become a society that associates coffee with waking up, perking up, socialising and a means to escape the office for our regular coffee break

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