Cell Fuel® is a revolutionary formula, derived from a variety of super foods.
As a ‘super food’, Cell Fuel® works to enhance the body’s inbuilt cellular communication mechanism meaning Cell Fuel has a natural yet powerful immune modulating action.
The powerful immune modulating action of Cell Fuel® means it can be effective in reducing chronic inflammation as well as boosting the immune natural defenses against infection from bacteria and viruses.
Cell Fuel® is one of the most powerful natural products on the market for preventing and treating acute cold’s and flu as well as being effective in the treatment of a variety of inflammatory based condition, including eczema, arthritis, psoriasis, auto immune conditions including Hashimoto’s, Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Cell Fuel® can also assist in improving our cell to cell communication mechanism, enabling our cells to communicate which specific nutrients they require from our food. This process is referred to as ‘cell food signalling’.
The process of ‘cell food signalling’ was discovered by Professor Gunta Blobel, who was the recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine for his discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell.
The cell signalling mechanism takes place through receptors on the surface of our cells. These receptors are known as glycoproteins (proteins and sugar). Glycoproteins essentially act as the ‘language’ spoken between our body cells. The glycoproteins are like the letters and words of a language. If the correct sugar (carbohydrate) is not placed in the appropriate location, or is missing, the glycoprotein is not formed correctly and will not be able to carry out its function in the cell membrane. Effective cellular communication is necessary for the production of healthy cells.
Recommended Dose:
Acute infection with Cold’s & Flu:
Initial dosage: Take 1 sachet on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements, up to 4 times per day or until symptoms subside. Maintain this dose until the infection is under control, then reduce to 2 sachets per day for another week to boost immunity and prevent re-occurrence.
Skin Conditions – Eczema and Acne:
Initial dosage: Requirements can vary from each individual, depending on the severity of your condition. It is recommended to begin with a loading dose of 1 sachet 2 – 3 times per day, taken on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements for 1 month. In chronic cases you may need to take this dose for up to 2 months.
Maintenance dose :
Take 1 sachet on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements, 1 – 2 times per day for another 1 – 2 months or as long as desired to maintain optimal wellbeing and health.
Auto Immune Conditions: Hashimoto’s, Lupus, Rhuematoid Arthritis:
Dosage requirements can vary from each individual, depending on the severity of your condition. It is recommended to begin with a loading dose of 1 sachet 3 – 4 times per day, taken on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements for 1 month. In chronic cases you may need to take this dose for up to 2 months.
Maintenance dose :
Take 1 sachet on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements, 2 – 3 times per day for another 3 – 6 months or as long as desired to maintain optimal wellbeing and health.
General Health & Wellbeing:
Initial dosage: Take 1 sachet on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements, 2 times per day for 1 – 3 months, or until a noticeable improvement in energy, bowel function and skin, hair and nail health is experienced.
Maintenance dose :
Take 1 sachet on an empty stomach, 15 minutes or more away from food and other supplements, 1 – 2 times per day ongoing to maintain optimal wellbeing and health.
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