The EYH Program works to heal your gut, reduce inflammation and balance your hormones through using food as medicine. For even better results, Sally recommends combining the program with her GUT REPAIR & DETOX pack as this will work to overhaul the health of your digestive system which is where so many illnesses and health problems stem from. Whilst we cannot guarantee to what extent any pre-existing condition you may enter the program with will improve from undertaking the program, Sally has seen the vast majority of her patient’s health improve considerably when she has treated them this way in
Sally understands good health can be expensive but in reality it really doesn’t have to be! But then again, what price can you put on your health and feeling good? In saying that Sally has designed many of the meals on the program to be economical and we encourage you to choose those that contain ingredients that are in season and to cook in bulk where possible to reduce waste.. The Meal Plans for one cost around $100 a week, which is only $15 a day, less then what you’d spend dining out! However, depending on how well stocked and
The 6WK Program isn’t completely low FODMAP’s, although many of the recipes are, or can be easily modified to suit your individual degree of sensitivity.
Sure can! The EYH program shares the bulk of the Paleo eating principles so you won’t have any problems sticking to the Paleo diet.
You’re in luck! Sally’s nutritional philosophies are based on eliminating the most common 8 foods and beverages that people tend to experience an intolerance or sensitivity to. Sally also recommends combining the eating program, with her gut repair and detox supplement pack, as this will give you the best results to help regulate your immune system, reducing your overall sensitivity to various foods and environmental allergens. Of course if there is any particular food that you know you have a sensitivity to that Sally has not recommended you avoid on the program, you should continue to eliminate it from your
The short answer is yes! Although Sally recommends that you avoid the initial 2 – 4 day ‘Strip Back and Alkalise’ stage of the program as this is based on a juice and vegetable fast, which is not recommended if you are, or could be pregnant or breast feeding. Otherwise the foods and meal plans recommended on the program will serve to optimise your health during pregnancy and assist with shedding any excess baby weight if you are breastfeeding, because it is based on eating low sugar, unprocessed, fresh nutrient dense foods – exactly what nursing or mums-to-be should be
There is no reason why you can’t get your whole family eating the EYH way because they will only stand to benefit. Sally has designed the meals on the weekly menu’s so that they can be adjusted to feed any number required. We know your partner and kids will love the food on the program and there is no way anyone will feel like they are on a ‘diet’ because Sally does not believe in diets – only healthy eating for life!
Coffee and alcohol are two of the most common substances that cause problems with our health, for the simple reason that they are toxins, placing excess stress on our liver and adrenals. If you are serious about getting healthy and feeling the best you have ever felt, then doesn’t it make sense to avoid the things that make you look and feel anything but your best? It’s only for 28 days and I’ve included plenty of healthy and delicious beverages so you won’t be craving your morning coffee and you’ll feel so good you won’t want any alcohol.
Sure can! No matter where you live in the world, I’d love to have you on board! You can view the daily videos and emails I’ll be sending you anytime of the day. And because the webinars are pre recorded they will be delivered to your inbox for you to view whenever it suits your schedule.
If you are keen to overhaul to your health then it’s a given that the program should improve the function of your digestive system and stimulate natural detoxification to eliminate all those nasty toxins. You won’t need to worry about eating any rabbit food though, because I have designed my recipes and meal plans to be packed with flavour! So you will never know your body is detoxing, except that you will start to look and feel fantastic! Any of the meals can be adapted to be included in your every day diet beyond the program.