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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for November 2012

Why are you really taking The Pill?

Why are you really taking The Pill?

The oral contraceptive pill was the first drug in history approved for long term use, and today Australian and American women have one of the highest rates of oral contraceptive use in the world. The most common reason women choose to take The Pill is for contraception, however a growing number of women are prescribed it to treat other conditions such as acne, period pain and pain, commonly associated with Endometriosis and irregular or absent periods, associated with PCOS – poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Yet these symptoms are in fact an indication of underlying hormonal imbalances, for which the pill does

Mango, Macadamia & Snow Pea Salad

Mango, Macadamia & Snow Pea Salad

  Summer’s fast approaching and that means mangoes! I have whipped up this delicious salad to spice up your next lunch and the toasted macadamia’s add an amazing flavour with the snow peas and mango. I must admit, I do not eat a lot of fruit, aside from grapefruit, lemons, strawberries, blue berries and raspberries with the odd banana in a protein shake, because I don’t like to over do the fructose (the naturally occuring sugar in fruit) so I go for the lowest sugar fruits. So mangoes are a bit of treat for me and I really enjoy them

Feeling a little bloated? Could this be why?

Feeling a little bloated? Could this be why?

It appears many of us are suffering from the ‘bloats’ as I like to call it. I’m talking about that most uncomfortable of sensations experienced within our abdomen or gut after eating. Pretty much every patient I treated over the past 13 years suffered bloating to some degree, sadly more often than not. So is bloating a normal symptom when it comes to digestion and if not what does it indicate? Bloating is a phenomena associated most commonly with the western diet. The US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are apparently feeling the pinch from the bloat more so

Lunch With Friends…

Lunch With Friends...

I am often asked how I overcome the issue of being served food I am intolerant to when eating at friends or social events. Personally this is something I don’t get to uptight about, because I subscribe to the 80:20 ratio when it comes to eating. Meaning if I eat something here and there that is technically not on my list of recommended or tolerated foods, as long as I am not straying more than 10 – 20% of the time, I tend not to experience any negative effects with my digestion ( like bloating or tummy aches) or the auto immune condition I suffer – Hashimoto’s. Take lunch with my girlfriends Sal and

Sweet potatoe and sage tart

Sweet potatoe and sage tart

Gluten Free, cane sugar free, vegetarian, Diabetic Friendly, Anti – Candida, medium GI This delicious recipe comes from my friend Sal, who served it along with a spinach and feta quiche, so I have adapted both these recipes, replacing the cream with sheep’s yogurt and wheat based pastry with gluten free flour. I also swapped the honey for a healthier sweetener – rice syrup because it is fructose free, unlike honey which is 50% fructose. So this recipe has a lower GI and is low allergy for those avoiding gluten and cow’s dairy like me. There is rarely a time you can’t adapt a recipe to be gluten, cow’s dairy and

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