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Eat Yourself Healthy – Sally Joseph

Monthly archive for October 2012

How to exercise smarter not harder!

How to exercise smarter not harder!

When it comes to exercise, I’m not unlike most folk in that I  need to do something I enjoy, to ensure I stick to it. Long gone are the days when I used to pound the pavement and sweat it out in a stinky spin class, to the point I would stumble side ways off the bike gasping for breath! Nah it’s a couch and plate of hot chips for me now days…..JUST JOKING KIDS! But you could say I have grown up a little when it comes to the way I exercise. Primarily because I learned the hard way, after suffering CFS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, following my days as a distance runner. Seven long

Healthy Hors d’oeuvre’s

Healthy Hors d'oeuvre's

  One of the questions I get asked the most, is how to stay healthy when entertaining. Being a bit of a foodie, I love having friends over to cook for and trying new culinary experiences, so when I combine my passion for real, tasty food with my healthy Nutritionist principles, you can guarantee, I won’t be serving anything on the tasteless or dull side. After all, eating is one lifes greatest joys, so the last thing you want to experience is guilt when you eat! I like to think I’ve found a way to keep the waistline down and the taste buds satisfied,

How stress can make you fat

How stress can make you fat

  In our plight to shed those unwanted kilo’s, many of us find our ability to lose weight does not simply stem from energy out exceeding energy in. The theory that eating less and exercising more is the primary means for losing weight, is about as outdated as the conventional food pyramid!  If this was the answer to everyone’s weight loss, then I’m sure many of you are probably scratching your heads wondering why on earth you’re still carrying weight around your middle, despite slogging it out at the gym for hours each day!  I have heard this complaint from hundreds of women over the

Green Goddess Juice

Green Goddess Juice

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Diabetic Friendly, Paleo friendly, Low Sugar, Anti Inflammatory   Drink yourself healthy with my Green Goddess juice recipe.  Kick start your day with this combo and you alkalise and detoxify your system from top to toe.  When your body is more alkaline than acidic, every cell will function better and that means a healthier happier you and far less risk of chronic illness and disease!  Unlike many green vegetable juice recipes, my Green Goddess concoction is extremely low in fructose because it contains minimal fruit.  You may also notice I avoid adding raw kale to my green juice

What causes Hashimoto’s and other weird Autoimmune diseases

What causes Hashimoto's and other weird Autoimmune diseases

  It seems many of you are suffering from, or at least know someone who has some form of Auto immune (AI) disease. The truth is 1 in 5 people living in the western world suffer from one of the 80 existing AI diseases and this statistic is rising, including a doubling in the rate of Multiple Sclerosis in the last ten years. Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system loses the ability to detect self from non self and consequently launches an attack against it’s own healthy tissues or organs. The hyperactive immune activity triggers a chronic inflammatory response, through

Green Goddess Sauce

Green Goddess Sauce

  The approaching warm summer evenings are synonymous with alfresco dining and BBQ’s.  So if you want to combine the two and indulge in a little seafood (a lighter  protein option than red meat & perfect if you are in the initial 2 weeks of my 28 day Eat Yourself Healthy  program, then this recipe will be a real crowd pleaser.  As a Nutritionist, I believe how food tastes, is just as important as nutritional value, so try this sauce at your next BBQ – it’s so versatile so you can serve it with organic chicken, seafood or vegetarian dishes as well. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar free,

And the Winner is….

Congratulations to Natalia Zmicerevska! You are the winner of my Detox pack and nutritional consultation competition! Thank you so much to all of you who participated in the detox competition and for purchasing my e-book Eat Yourself Healthy In 28 Days! I hope you have been enjoying eating yourself healthy and are feeling all the better for it! For those of you who are yet to start….. what’s keeping you?! Remember you can start off as slow or as committed as you feel up to, as we are all different when it comes to the way we approach change. So rather

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